Autoimmune Healing Academy; Course, Coaching and Community
Why Join the Autoimmune Healing Academy?
If you're one of the unfortunate 10% of the population like me, diagnosed with one or more autoimmune diseases and looking for more support, the Autoimmune Healing Academy is the right place for you! Â
The Autoimmune Healing Academy is for anyone with a diagnosed autoimmune disease and looking for better lifestyle and plant based options and solutions to autoimmune recovery and healing.
The Academy provides evidence based content to support your healing, group and individual coaching, healing hypnosis sessions and a community of like minded people seeking support just like you!
We now know that while autoimmune diseases appear to be numerous, they are really just one disorder with countless variations based on our genetic weak link. Whilst our genes play a part in making us vulnerable to having an autoimmune condition, the way our genes are expressed is down to our environment and the lifestyle we lead i.e., our epigenetics, which can be changed through lifestyle changes.Â
Conventional medical treatment is typically essential for most of us diagnosed with an autoimmune condition but it often doesn't resolve all our symptoms and we continue to experience suffering, feel unwell, disatisfied and frustrated with the state of our health and well-being and impacts our quality of life.
The Autoimmune Healing Academy is hosted by me, Karen Bartle, lifestyle medicine practitioner, advanced cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapist, and whole food vegan plant based health coach.
The Academy is for you if you are struggling with anything that is affecting your health e.g., chronic inflammation, sleep, diet, stress, exercise, pain, hormone inbalances, gut dysbiosis, mood, unhealthy habits, weight, toxins, infections, and the quality of our support network you have.
Would you like to get support to adapt, enhance or eliminate aspects of your lifestyle to improve your quality of life?Â
Imagine what it would feel like if you could wake up everyday ready to jump out of bed and didn't have to worry about the ill effects of having an autoimmune condition. How much of your energy, time and money could be spent on doing healthier, and more enjoyable and productive things instead?!
 Find yourself...
1. Feeling happier
2. Eating better
3. Feeling youngerÂ
5. Lovin' being in control
6. Having more energy
7. Being more productive
8. Becoming symptom free
 9. Living life to the full!
Professional & Community Support to Manage Your Autoimmune Condition!
The Autoimmune Academy is a one stop online resource where you'll be joining host Karen Bartle, lifestyle medicine practitioner, advanced cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapist, and whole food vegan plant based health coach to get support with your autoimmune healing. Learn more about Karen
You'll have access to psychological and behavioural support, resources, community, and coaching to keep you motivated, on track and committed to getting back in control of your health & well-being.Â