
8 Evidence-Based Diet Recommendations for Improving Cardiovascular Health

A scientific statement on diet and lifestyle recommendations for improving cardiovascular health and reducing cardiovascular risk was published in Circulation. Poor diet is highly correlated with an elevated risk of Cardiovascular disease (CVD), morbidity and mortality.  This statement places emphasises the critical role of nutrition early in life, presents elements of heart-healthy dietary patterns, and highlights structural challenges that impede adherence to heart-healthy dietary patterns.

The statement details 8 evidence-based diet recommendations for improving cardiovascular health, avoiding the risks of CVD, and promoting cardiometabolic health.

(1) Adjust energy intake and expenditure to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight

(2) Eat plenty and a variety of fruits and vegetables each day

(3) Choose whole grain foods and products rather than refined foods

(4) Choose healthy sources of protein (e.g., plant-based)

(5) Choose minimally processed foods instead of ultra-processed foods

(6) Minimize the intake of beverages and foods with added sugars

(7) Choose and prepare foods without adding salt

(8) Limit or ideally eliminate alcohol intake

Knowing about the right kinds of foods to eat for a healthy heart is a great start, however, planning and implementing these changes requires more effort and motivation. 

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