
Listening to the authority of your intuition to prevent overeating

Have you ever...

Got to the stage in the kitchen where you're about to serve food onto your plate and a thought jumps out telling you that you're serving way too much for what you need to eat that meal? 

Of course, we all have!

And can you remember a time when you overode that thought because your hunger or greed got the better of you and the foods were just too enticing to not serve it all?!

For sure; we wouldn't be human otherwise if we didn't. 

Our intuition speaks loudly to us; we know we don't need it but we feel compelled to not remove or save it for later. Our ID, i.e., the impulsive childlike part of our personality wins and gets what it wants because we don't respond quickly enough to what our intuition is telling us. 

It may be something that needs practice, but the next time you hear yourself intuitively speaking, try to avoid dismissing its authority and STOP what you're doing! Do what you need to do to and do it quickly to remove the excess off your plate and into another place where it can be composted or saved as another meal or snack for later.